The 8-Minute Rule

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The 8-Minute Rule

Try Christina's 8-Minute Rule: Set a timer, tidy up your bedroom (or any room), and stop after 8 minutes. Build a habit, reduce clutter, and simplify your life. Follow Christina's Corner for more tips!

Video Transcript

Alright, everybody. I'm going to pass on my 8 minute rule. I share this 8 minute rule with absolutely everybody. I shared it with all my clients during talks. Anything I do with organization, articles, I have shared my 8 minute rule.

I can't necessarily prove this number, but I believe that more than 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes is truly the sweet spot for this roll. I coined it, Christina's 8 minute role. The intention I designed this for one of my clients years years ago. The intention was for them to start with their bedroom. The bedroom, to me, it should be one of the focuses of the house.

It should be peaceful. It should be your sanctuary. It's where you rest every night, it's where you sleep and you're refreshed the next day, it's where you start your morning, right? The bedroom is just, to me, I think it should be seen as a sanctuary and a place that you feel calm and relaxed and also inspired. The last thing that we want in the bedroom is clutter.

Set your timer for 8 minutes. Try this tonight, please. I'm so curious to see if you like it. Set your timer for 8 minutes. Put away as much as you can in that 8 minutes.

The intention is not to finish. If there are things around the room, it's okay, but by doing this a little bit each night, 8 minutes, by the weekend, I always usually use Sunday as a big cleaning day or organizing day, The intention for that day is that you're not gonna be bombarded and overwhelmed because you're doing a little bit each day, and it creates a habit. I don't necessarily set my timer anymore. Sometimes I do, just to keep me on my toes with it, but you don't have to you'll get into a habit with it and you won't have to set a timer anymore. But it truly feels so good to just do a little bit each day, and it keeps things tidy.

It keeps things neat without the pressure of having to make it perfect and finish everything in that night. That is not the goal. If there's still a few things that need to be done, it is okay. But it's enough time. You'll be shocked at what can get done in 8 minutes.

It's enough time for you to make a difference and tight tidy up, straighten up, organize a little bit. I love this rule. I swear by it. I truly do. And you can do this rule in any room in the house, but I started it with the intention of, I really think that the first room that you should start it with is in the bedroom.

But you can do it in the kitchen, you can do it in the living room, you can do it in every room. Even if you did 8 minutes in all these rooms, that's not that much. 24 minutes, let's say, you did 3 rooms. That's not that bad. Let me know what you think.

8 minute roll. Set your timer. The intention is not to finish everything. It's just to create a habit and do a little bit each day. That way when Sunday rolls around and you do a deep long clean, you won't be overwhelmed.

Let me know what you think. 8 minute rule. You guys got this. We will always simplify everything. We're gonna keep things super simple, simple, simple, simple of how to organize your life.

Happy organizing, everybody. Follow Christina's Corner for more tips and tricks, how to get organized.

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About The Author

Christina Giaquinto

Christina Giaquinto is the Modular Closets in-house professional organizer and brand ambassador.
In her capacity as a professional organizer, she has worked with hundreds of clients — including major celebrities — to organize every aspect of their lives, most notably their closets!
She has been featured in The Spruce, Apartment Therapy, and Popsugar among many others.
If you have ANY organizing question whatsoever, feel free to email me her!