A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Organized

A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Organized

Simplify organization: Keep each room true to its purpose—kitchen for meals, dining room for dining, playroom for toys. It’s the first step to harmony! Follow Christina’s Corner for more tips!

Video Transcript

Today, we are going to simplify how to keep your home organized without worrying about actually organizing it. Crazy. Right? If you can keep each room in your home dedicated to the purpose that it was intended for, that from a bird's eye view and your internal self and your internal peace and your subconscious, it is going to make your home feel so organized, just by that, not even actually organizing it. What I mean is keep the kitchen dedicated to being a kitchen, not necessarily an office.

Keep the kids' rooms, their bedroom and don't have it too overloaded with toys. Have that for the playroom. Your dining room, have that be your dining room and not another place that toys go. You'll start to notice, and I see this all the time with clients, each room starts to morph into something else, right? How many times does a garage not actually hold cars, right?

It holds everything else. If you can keep each room in the house designated for what it was created for, truly, that is such an amazing, wonderful, simple step for you to organize your home. If you can go around your home and make sure that each space is dedicated for what it was intended for, what the room was created for, what the room was designed for, that is going to subconsciously and internally feel so good and it's the first step to keeping your home organized. And the catch is you don't actually have to organize anything. Just for a second throw that out the window.

No systems, no color coordinating, no nothing. If the dining room is always for the dining room and it's not a second office or a dumping ground for things, but it's just a dining room, that's organization. If the kitchen is only used to eat and have meals, that is what the kitchen is for. All my clients that have kids, try to, as best you can, I know it's a lot, but as best you can, to have all the toys, even if it's a lot, even if it's all dumped in there, but to have the toys in the playroom instead of having a few toys in the dining room and a few toys in the kitchen and a few toys in their bedroom? Birds eye view, if you can look at your home and each space is kept for what the intention was, you are you're doing so good.

Think about it. How many times do people not actually keep cars in their garage? Garage? That's what I mean. Look at your home.

How do I keep each room in my home dedicated to what it was intended for? That's all you have to do. Don't worry about anything else. This is the first step to simplify your home and organize your life. Happy organizing, everybody.

Follow Christina's Corner for more tips and tricks how to get organized.

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About The Author

Christina Giaquinto

Christina Giaquinto is the Modular Closets in-house professional organizer and brand ambassador.
In her capacity as a professional organizer, she has worked with hundreds of clients — including major celebrities — to organize every aspect of their lives, most notably their closets!
She has been featured in The Spruce, Apartment Therapy, and Popsugar among many others.
If you have ANY organizing question whatsoever, feel free to email me her cgiaquinto@modularclosets.com!