Whether You Are Heading to the Lake, the Beach, the Pool or Relaxing in Your Backyard, Summer Is Just About Here and That Means Swimsuits
Here Are My Organizing Tips to Make Sure Your Summer Stays Organized and Your Pool Days Are a Breeze
1) One Pieces
You can hang or fold one pieces. If you are going to hang your one piece, I would suggest using a hanger with two clips to ensure the straps stay in place. It will also line the bathing suits in a very organized way. However, if it's easier for you to fold the bathing suit over a ribbed hanger, that works just as great!
When figuring out where to hang your one pieces in your modular system closet, they will fit perfectly in the double hang. Your longer pieces such as cover-ups, skirts, and sundresses will organize nicely in our long hang.
2) Two Pieces
When organizing your two pieces, the goal is to make sure they are always organized in a set. The worst feeling is when you are eager to head to the beach and everything is mismatched, causing you to rush and stress. Organize all your two pieces into sets.
You can fold the bottoms in half and simply lay the top piece over it for an easy organizing system!
You can fold the bottoms in half, then one more time to create that accordion file look, and fold the top piece in half and place it in your drawer.
You can use hangers with a ribbed bottom to drape the bottoms on and then use the two clips for the top piece.
This is your closet and your summer! All of these ways work—pick whichever makes your life easiest.
3) Men's Trunks
You can absolutely hang men's bathing suits. For a clean and slim look, use hangers with two clips. The bathing suit will be vertical and create a neat file look.
You can also use a hanger with a bottom rib and fold the bathing suit trunk over it. This works great as well but will look a bit bulkier. It depends on how many suits you have and the look you want. If you fold it over, make sure you fold it like you would a pant suit: start from the bottom, flip it over, align the bottom pant line, and then fold over the hanger.
Men's suits fit perfectly in the double hang or short hang areas of your modular system closet.
For an easier option, fold your bathing suit trunks. Simply fold them in half and place in a drawer or on a shelf. Or, you can take it one step further and fold them in an accordion file system—fold in half, fold upward, and then fold one more time to create a neat, stackable swim trunk. These will stack beautifully in your modular closet drawers.
Happy Summer Everyone! Remember, it’s not about being perfect. My goal is to inspire you to create an organized closet which leads to smoother and more enjoyable summer days. Focus on the end goal: make sure all your bathing suits are in one place and not dumped in a messy pile. Whether you fold, hang, or file, the most important thing is that you're putting in the time to live an organized life, and that’s what truly matters.
I would love to see how you are getting organized for summer! Tag us on Instagram #modularclosetsummer.
Now go get organized!
About The Author
Christina Giaquinto
Christina Giaquinto is the Modular Closets in-house professional organizer and brand ambassador.
In her capacity as a professional organizer, she has worked with hundreds of clients — including major celebrities — to organize every aspect of their lives, most notably their closets!
She has been featured in The Spruce, Apartment Therapy, and Popsugar among many others.
If you have ANY organizing question whatsoever, feel free to email me her cgiaquinto@modularclosets.com!